onsdag 2. februar 2011

Welcome to Agder University Library E-book Reader Project

The project UiA Learning Arena 2020 offers funding for pilot projects that contribute to the implementation of ideas and projects aimed at improving student learning outcomes.

The University Library is an important information source for students and as such we would like to explore e-curriculum and new reading technology at student courses. You and your fellow students at the English Renaissance Culture in Context can now explore the use of the Kindle DX e-book reader in this library project.
The Kindle is empty. We would like you to purchase three plays from your reading list, by linking the Kindle to your private Amazon account
We would also like you to download Thomas Dekker. The Shoemaker's Holiday and purchase The Classical Language of Architecture by Sir John Summerson for $11. Books or periodicals you purchase will be retained in your account and can easily be loaded onto an iPhone, Ipad or PC in addition to the Kindle .If you choose to participate in the project and use the Kindle DX e-book reader this semester, we would like you to focus on the following:
          o How reader-friendly the Kindle is
          o What you like/dislike about the Kindle
          o To what extent you think this could replace printed materials in regard to course material

Those of you that agree to try out the Kindle DX will be asked to participate in a brief survey towards the end of the semester. The questionnaire will be sent by e-mail.
You must return the Kindle to the library after your second and last exam at the latest. You may return it at an earlier stage as well.

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